'Him & Her': Our First-Ever Cookbook


Brooklyn, New York - Naturally combining love, cooking, and baking, The Blooming Union, consisting of Kadeem Fletcher and Samantha Sales, is proud to announce the release of its first-ever cookbook ‘Him & Her’. The cultural artifact comes on the heels of unprecedented times but is a true testament of the values and foundations needed to help make a better tomorrow. The title of the book derives from us giving each other equal power and respect in what we do within our kitchen but more importantly, our relationship. 

“Our book about culture and community, that just happens to have recipes in it.” The slogan of ‘Him & Her’ is one that holds true with who we are as people and the impact we aim to have on the lives of others. The 20-recipe book is split into 5 sections (culture, community, conversation, collaboration and beginnings and endings). ‘Him & Her’ tells our stories of love, identity and commitment to loved ones, friends and community with the assistance of cuisine and pastries.

“For us, it’s a culmination of understanding how our passions can have positive effects on those around us while teaching valuable lessons and bringing others together.” When we made the book, we didn’t think the world would be facing one of the biggest challenges yet but the timing of its releases seems to be rather fitting as it can provide people with so much during these times. For the past 18 months we have seen the influence our cooking and baking has had on those dear to us, strangers and many more. ‘Him & Her’ aims to be no different and is the first step in us creating tangible items in this world.

Him & Her’ can be purchased for 45USD via The Blooming Union’s online store now.
